Coverage from the USA Science and Engineering Festival!



All the awesome videos and photos can be found HERE! 
Come with me to the 2nd Annual Science and Engineering Festival and Book Fair this weekend! I’m heading to Washington D.C. right now to participate in the science event of the year, where everyone from the Mythbusters to Bill Nye the Science Guy to Chief NASA Scientist Waleed Abdalati will be hosting events and talking to the public about scientific subjects. Robots, space, climate sustainability- you name it, it can be found at this completely free festival!

Larry Bock, founder and Executive Director of the festival, told me why they picked Washington D.C. as a venue;

“The USA Science & Engineering Festival is the only national science festival, and where else would you hold a national festival? For example, a regional Festival like the San Diego Science Festival might have two or three local universities participate.  We have 125 nationwide universities. All of the major professional societies are in D.C. All of the government science agencies are here. All our exhibitors want to come to D.C. to get in front of their congressional representatives and agency leads.”
The information to be found at this event has the potential to change our political conversation about science- private space travel astronauts will meet and greet the public while students participate in electric car contests. Scientists and Engineers will answer questions about their work, generating interest in science related jobs.The mission of the festival is to inspire the nation’s youth by introducing them to the wonders of science, math and technology and there are events, exhibitions and author signings to meet all age ranges. The future of Science and Politics will be in Washington D.C. this weekend!
I’ll be reporting from the festival by updating this post, my science blog and Twitter with photos, interviews and video- but the amount of interesting information that can be found at the Festival is limitless! That’s why I want help planning my trip- take a look at the exhibits and performances planned and let me know what YOU want me to attend! Don’t have time for all of that? Just tell me what scientific subjects you want to see more about; like “Space Travel”, “Environmental Issues” or “Crazy futuristic cyborg stuff”, and I’ll bring you everything I can find from the fest!
This post will be featured in Current Science all weekend, so check it out for upcoming videos and interviews! {}
On Twitter, and use the hashtags #scifest and #sciencetime to follow updates and photos!If you are interested, it’s not too late to go! The event is completely free and all the information is on their website- if you are going to be there, let me know so we can meet up! Otherwise I hope you will virtually participate in this event with me, as science is very important to our nation’s development, our earth’s sustainability and our future in the universe!

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